Extraordinary Prize

Each academic year, the University of Alcalá awards extraordinary doctoral prizes based on the scientific merit of the theses defended.

Annually, the Vice-rectorate for Doctoral Studies announces the competition for extraordinary doctoral awards, indicating the dates for the submission of applications and the corresponding requirements, in accordance with the Regulations on the granting of extraordinary doctoral awards for theses, as approved by the Governing Council on October 25, 2018.

Students who have defended their thesis in the academic year corresponding to award announcement and meet the following requirements shall be eligible to apply:

  1. Their thesis was rated by the tribunal as "outstanding" and awarded the mention of "cum laude".
  2. All the members of the examining board deemed the thesis to be worthy of the award.

Extraordinary awards are assigned by branches of knowledge: Arts and Humanities, Sciences, Health Sciences, Social and Legal Sciences, and Engineering and Architecture, and by complete academic years.